Human Factors And Ergonomics

Human Factors/Ergonomics 人因工程:1

“ Ergonomics : the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design to optimize human well-being and overall system performance.”
把- 人的工作优化问题 – 作为追求的过程中融合了 因任何工作&行为离不开 生/心理/医学/卫生学基础知识 等 -的活动..
Pay attention to objectivity, insist on seeking truth from facts &systematically study/recognize
| 研究目的:设计/改进 人-机-环境三者相互有关的系统
Research purposes: design / improvement of the human-machine-environment the three related systems
is concerned with: the “fit” between the user, equipment, and environment【”fitting a job to a person”】
to increase productivity, enhance safety/ reduce human error, and create comfort with a specific focus on the interaction between the human and the thing of interest, for workers’ satisfaction.
萌芽时期=提高生产效产 increase production efficiency 
兴起时期=如何减轻疲劳&人对机器的适应- to reduce exhaustion & comfort between humans&machines
成才时期=以人机界面匹配-on human–computers interaction
发展时期=人-机-环境三者最佳匹配,达到最优系统 -best fit for a job to a person
研究内容: 生理心理特性, 总体/人机界面 设计&工作场所,环境,作业方法改善, 保持系统安全,可靠,研究组织与管理效率。
Research contents: Physiological and psychological characteristics, overall / human-machine interface design & workplace, environment, work method improvement, maintain system’s security, reliability, research organizations and management efficiency.
2)效度- 内 外部(能真实反映所评价内容)&可靠信度
1) Survey method: questionnaire / observation / experiment / psychometric test (static structure / dynamic function) / graphic model method
2) Validity – Internal and external (can truly reflect the content of the evaluation) &reliability


  1. feel free to contact me:

    QQ: 1945760676
    whatsapp: 087886267145


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